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WorldFest 2013 was a smashing success! Over 700 people showed up to the Woburn Public Library for this multicultural festival celebrating cultural diversity in the community.
Guests were entertained by a string of talented performers including a bag piper from the Bunker Hill Pipe Band, Eastern Star Children’s Choir, the Merry Minstrels, Cuban musician Coco Torres, Japanese Drummers from Odaiko New England, Brazilian Dancers, Ku’s Taekwondo Academy, Fan Dancers from the Korean School of New England, the Woburn Memorial High School A Cappella Singers, and a Middle Eastern belly dance by Nadia Sophia.
The kids were entertained by a wide assortment of children's activities including bubble blowing, martial arts with Rising Storm Training Academy, a pinata, International yard games with the North Suburban YMCA, Polynesian poi with Nadia Sophia, and a mini soccer clinic led by professional soccer players from Brazil.